SnaG 2024: Seó Bóthair
Bhí Sibéal ó Conradh na Gaeilge anseo linn ar maidin leis an "Seó Bóthair". Is ceardlann idirghníomhach í a spreagann daltaí chun Gaeilge a labhairt. Bhí plé ann leis na daltaí faoi na háiteanna ar féidir leo an Ghaeilge a úsáid, faoina gcearta teanga, faoi na deiseanna fostaíochta agus cúrsaí tríú leibhéal atá ar fáil agus bíonn neart duaiseanna le dáileadh freisin. Bhain na daltaí ón Idirbhliain agus ón 5ú Bl. taitneamh as an gceardlann. Míle buíochas Sibéal.
Sibèal from Conradh na Gaeilge was with us on Friday March 15th for the “Seó Bóthair” workshop. This is an interactive workshop that encourages students to speak Irish. There was a discussion with the students about the places where they can use the Irish language, their language rights, about the employment opportunities and third level courses available along with plenty of prizes distributed! The TY & 5th year students really enjoyed the workshop. Thank you Sibéal!
SnaG Ceolchoirm
Bhí céilí agus ceolchoirm ar siúl sa halla ar an 13ú de Mhárta. Chuir na hamhránaithe, grúpa traid agus damhsóirí seó iontach ar siúl! Bhí an-chraic againn agus bhain gach dalta sult as! Míle buíochas do gach duine a ghlac páirt inniu . Maith sibh go léir. There was a céilí and concert in the hall on Wednesday. Our singers, trad group & Irish dancers put on a great show for all! Thank you to everyone who took part today. Well done to all!

SnaG Ócáid an Phobail
D’fhreastail scoláirí Mheán Scoil Mhuire ar Ócáid an Phobail ar an 14ú Márta i Leabharlann Longfoirt. Ócáid den scoth a bhí inti. Bhain na scoláirí an-sult as a bheith páirteach. Bhí Lily ag rá filíochta. Bhí Mia ag rince. Bhí Sorcha, Ciara, Doireann agus Joni ag seinm an cheoil. Lean Khadija, Alana, Maria, Kelli, Aisling agus Victoria leis an gcaint as Gaeilge. These students were gracious, so well mannered, polite, friendly, natural and did us proud. We also enjoyed the chat with Gaelgeoirí from the community agus of course, an bia blasta! The event was organised by Teresa Kelly from Longford Library. Go raibh míle maith agat, Teresa. Is fíor an seanfhocal - “Beatha teanga í a Labhairt”
Thank you to the Roinn na Gaeilge for all the activities they planned to ensure Seachtain na Gaeilge was a success! Táimid fíor-bhuíoch as an Roinn iontach seo!
TY Backstage Theatre Workshop
TYs had an exciting drama workshop in Backstage Theatre this week with professional actor/writer Clare Monnelly where they were guided and inspired to create dramatic scenes. Thanks to Shane Crossan, Local Arts Office, for assistance in making this event happen
Peer Mentorship: Session Two
Amana Mahmoud, a former student who is currently studying Medicine in RCSI returned to our school for her second session of Peer Mentorship with our Fifth Years on Wednesday, March 14th. Amana delivered a very engaging presentation, giving fantastic resources for revision and different examples of study skills. The students also had the chance to ask Amana various questions about study and college life. We would like to say a big thank you to Amana for taking the time to visit us and for delivering such a fantastic and worthwhile session. Thank you also to Ms Ross for organising the session.
Pi Day Maths Events
There was great excitement in Maths’ classes on Thursday as teachers marked Pi Day! Maths classes began with a Pi themed dingbats challenge. There were a few head scratching moments but well done to everyone who figured them out. Thank you to the Maths’ Department for organising this event.

TY Driving School
Students travelled to Pallas Driving School on Monday, March 11th, where they began with a sample theory test of 40 questions based on the rules of the road and driving procedures. Then they completed some “simple tasks” while wearing Beer goggles which allows the students experience how alcohol and drugs can affect your driver awareness. The girls then got the opportunity to drive dual controlled cars while being assessed by the instructor and two to three other students. Thank you very much to Ms Devaney and Ms Macko who accompanied the students on the day.