Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

Latest news 22/11/24


Anti-Bullying Week

On Friday, November 15th, to conclude our Anti-Bullying Week, all students received a formal Department of Education Cineáltas lesson. Students engaged with various activities and really enjoyed the forum given to them to discuss ways in which bullying behaviour can be tackled. The winners of our Anti-Bullying Poetry and Art competition were also announced. Junior and Senior students won certificates and prizes in the following categories: Junior/Senior Overall winner, Runner up and Highly Commended. We are delighted for them and we are very proud of all of our students in Meán Scoil Mhuire for engaging so positively with such an important week in our school. Thank you to Ms Hughes and Ms Murtagh for all their work on the events during Anti-Bullying Week.

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TY Dreambig Programmme.

Lauren Beirne , Caraghlee Farrar and Emma Kenny were selected for the Dreambig programme which took place from 11th-15th November. Dreambig is a programme designed to inspire, engage and support young people in the midlands to pursue a career in Advanced Manufacturing . The three students were given the opportunity to visit and observe the work completed in Abbott Diagnostics, Avery Dennison , N&E Precision and Panelto Foods.

Well done to Lauren who spoke at the closing ceremony in TUS on behalf of the Longford students about her experiences throughout the week and the benefits of engaging in this programme. A huge thank you to Christine Collins and Longford County Council for facilitating our TY students and giving them this wonderful opportunity. Thank you also to Ms Devaney, TY Co-ordinator for her work in facilitating student participation in the programme and for attending the closing ceremony in Tus on November 15th.

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Sixth Year Science Quiz in TUS

Well done to our three teams of 6th year students who took part in the Regional finals of the ISTA Senior Science Quiz in Athlone on November 14th. In a tight contest with the winners only 2 points ahead, Andria Shaju, Goodness Olasehinde and Kanyinsola Richard-Akinyemi were in a tiebreaker for 3rd place.

Unfortunately, luck was not on their side this time and they finished in fourth place. Well done to Evelina Merkelyte, Shaunagh Murphy, Ciara McKeon, Victoria Lapa, Karina Serkis and Stephanie Omagbemi who also finished in the top 10 out of 27 teams on the night, scoring highly on questions from across the senior sciences.

Thanks to the girls for taking time out of their busy revision schedules as they

prepare for Winter tests next week. Thanks also to their accompanying teachers Ms Killian and Mrs Glennon.

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TY Driving

TY2 and TY3 travelled to Pallas Driving school on Wednesday 13th. The instructors gave all students a sample Theory Test of 40 questions based on The Rules of the Road and driving procedures. They then completed some simple tasks while wearing “Drunk Buster Beer Goggles”. These goggles the student to experience how alcohol and drugs can affect your driver awareness. Finally, drive the dual controlled cars while being assessed by both the instructor and their friends.

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5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford