Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

TY Notes

A lot happening in TY at the moment
TY Notes

Ty Notes by the TY Journalism class

We’ve Got The Kouture For Sure

The 7 Junk Kouture groups were put to the test to prepare their designs to be in with the chance to represent Mean Scoil Mhuire in this year’s Junk Kouture competition. So now the 4 successful groups of girls are currently gathering their materials for their dresses. They’re collecting waste such as discarded paper, cardboard, cereal boxes and different types of plastics. They are all working hard to meet their deadline in January. Good luck girls!!

Lights! Camera! Action!

During Midterm all TY students made a video to help young people become more aware of drug and alcohol abuse in our locality. Ms. Griffin has forwarded them to our local GardaÍ for adjudication.

Will Meánscoil Mhuire win this competition for a second year in a row?

Tracing Our Roots

This week as a part of our TY course we will compile family trees to learn about our ancestors and get to know the people of our past. Spooky!

Dunnes’ Little Helpers

On Friday the 10th of November, TY students will be in Dunnes Stores helping to pack shopping bags in aid of the Irish Wheelchair Association.

5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford