Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

Latest News 11/03/24

Latest News 11/03/24

Centre for Talented Youth DCU Courses

We are very proud to have three of our TY students participating in CTYI courses this year. The CTYI Early University Entrance courses are programmes for students with high ability. TY students take part in first year university modules over the course of a semester. Aileen is currently studying engineering modules. Oluwaseyi is undertaking modules in computer science and Hannah is completing her studies in biology. We hope the students thoroughly enjoy their university experience.

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World Book Day Quiz

World Book Day is a much anticipated date in Meán Scoil Mhuire and this year certainly did not disappoint. Festivities commenced with a quiz for junior students on Wednesday March 6th. The quiz was designed and delivered by a group of Third Year students. The quiz included questions based on famous characters, dingbats and emoji book titles. Well done to the three teams who won prizes for their ‘egg-cellent’ answers! Thanks again to Lily, Maya, Sarah and Elisha for the quiz, and Anna and Ciara for their assistance. Thank you also to Ms King for co-ordinating the worthwhile event!

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Women’s International Festival: Transition Year Students

As part of ‘Women in Sports Week (WIS)’ our TYs were invited by Longford Sports Partnership to take part in a women’s festival in St. Mary’s campus Edgeworthstown on March 6th. The girls spent the day engaging in sports including functional fitness , yoga, Zumba and fun games alongside the girls from Lanseboro, Mercy Ballymahon , and Cnoc Mhuire. A great day was had by all.

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World Book Day 2024

We had a fantastic time celebrating the world of literature in Mean Scoil Mhuire today as staff and students alike dressed up as characters from their favourite books. It was truly wonderful to the massive effort that everyone put in! We would like to give a special mention to our Senior and Junior Costume Winners: Frederika Fordjour - 1st Year- overall Junior winner Stephanie Omagbemi - 5th Year - overall Senior winner And our Runners Up:Eva Krisciunas - 1st Year, Beata Bartosova - 1st Year, Olachi Alajemba - 2nd Year, Destiny Hannifin - 2nd Year, Lucy Glennon - 3rd Year, Roisin Duke - 3rd Year, Martina Bracken - 3rd Year,

Victoria Wrobel - 3rd Year, Naoise Connolly Corcoran - 6th Year. Staff Winners were the 3 Little Pigs and the Wolf! Happy World Book Day!! A sincere thank you to the English Department for organising the events and to all staff and students who participated in the day’s events!

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Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí tús iontach againn le haghaidh Seachtain na Gaeilge inniu! Bhí céilí agus ceolchoirm ar siúl sa halla le rang a trí ó Naomh Sheosaimh. Chuir daltaí na hIdirbhliana, na amhránaithe, grúpa traid agus damhsóirí seó iontach ar siúl! Bhí an-chraic againn ag ceiliúradh SnaG24 agus bhaineamar an sult as! Míle buíochas do gach duine a ghlac páirt inniu . Maith sibh go léir We had a brilliant start to Seachtain na Gaeilge today! There was a céilí and concert in the hall with 3rd class pupils from St. Joseph’s National School. Our Transition year students, singers, trad group & Irish dancers put on a great show for all!We had great craic & enjoyment today celebrating SnaG2024. Well done to all who came & participated and a special thanks to the staff & 3rd class pupils of St Joseph’s National School.

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Ceardlann don Scrúdú Béil

With 40 percent of the marks going towards the Irish oral exam the Sixth Years benefited greatly from this highly entertaining and educational workshop which took place on Friday March 8th. The students were all speaking ‘as Gaeilge’ and hopefully they will feel more confident before the commencement of the orals over Easter! A chailíní, go n-éirí go geal libh ó na múinteoirí Gaeilge!

5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford