Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

Latest News 18/12/23

Latest News 18/12/23

Christmas Themed Table Quiz

Over sixty students participated in the Christmas Table Quiz on Wednesday, December 13th. The festive themed quiz was organised by the English Department. Christmas fiction and films were included in the rounds along with some emojis and dingbats depicting song titles and Christmas phrases, just to really tests the participants. The competition was fierce with only a point separating the teams and a tie for third place. Well done to all and a special thank you to Tilly and Cyrenia, our two Fifth Year students for helping to co-ordinate the event. Thank you to the English Department for all your work. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season!

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All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad Workshop.

MSM were delighted to host Iona Gessinger from the AILO programme on Monday December 11th. MSM invited a group of TY students from the CBS Roscommon to join a group of our own students and participate in a problem solving workshop led by Iona. Our students are diligently preparing for participating in the Linguistics Olympiad and we wish them the very best of luck with their preparations.

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LCA Trip to Connolly Campus Longford.

On Monday, December 11th, our Fifth Year LCA class got the wonderful opportunity to visit the local beauty PLC course in Connolly Campus, Longford. The students thoroughly enjoyed their visit and would like to thank all staff and students for their hospitality, for sharing their knowledge and for allowing them to understand the various career options a course like this offer. Thank you to Ms Killeen for arranging the visit.

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TY Sponsored Hoodies

We would like to sincerely thank Niall Nolan and Nolan Motors who generously sponsored our TY hoodies. TY Hoodies are an annual tradition in Meán Scoil Mhuire and every year TYs dedicate themselves to the design of hoodies that reflect their year group. This year the front of the hoody features the crest of Meán Scoil Mhuire alongs with the Nolan Motors’ crest. This was a wonderful opportunity to work with a local business and the TY students will wear their royal blue hoodies with pride!

Leaving Certificate Excellence Awards 2020 to 2023

We are busy preparing for the Leaving Certificate Excellence Awards on December 22nd. This event is a celebration of the outstanding results of seventeen of our former students over the past three years. All of these students achieved remarkable Leaving Certificate results in the period of 2020 to 2023 despite the significant obstacles they encountered as a result of the COVID pandemic. Students and their parents have been invited to attend the ceremony which will take place in our gym on the last day of term. Our senior students will also be invited to attend and we hope our former alumni will inspire them to aspire success in their Leaving Certificate exams.

Christmas Carol Singing

Our Trad Group and dancers entertained patients and residents of Saint Joseph’s Care Centre on December 11th last. Our students performed a selection of Christmas and classical favourites alongside the Dementia Choir in Slashers. Irish music and dance and an amazing rendition of The Fairtytale of New York also featured. This was a joyous and uplifting experience for everyone involved.

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Saint Christophers Christmas Panto.

We would like to congratulate everyone in Saint Christophers’ Services on a truly uplifting and inspirational Panto last week. Our students thoroughly enjoyed their role in the Panto and were so grateful for the opportunity to participate in a truly memorable event.

5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford