Christmas Jumper Day
Rudolf, Santa Claus and the Grinch were some of the characters that featured in the halls of Meán Scoil Mhuire on our annual Christmas Jumper Day. We were delighted this year to raise funds for MS Ireland by wearing our festive attire and buying sweets and treats in aid of this worthy cause. We would like to thank all those who participated on the day and a special thank you to Ms King and her team of helpers for organising the event.
National Concert Hall: Music in the Classroom
On Tuesday December 3rd, Ms O’Reilly’s Sixth Year Music class accompanied by Ms O’Reilly and Ms Ross, travelled to the National Concert Hall to attend “Music in the Classroom” a live workshop focusing on Tchaikovsky’s orchestral work “Romeo and Juliet”. This was performed live by the National Concert Orchestra, and special attention was paid to the three themes featured in the orchestral overture. It was an incredibly informative session and a very enjoyable day out for all who attended. Thank you to all our students and to their teachers.

Longford St, Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Collection
We would like to thank all staff and students who have contributed to our St Vincent de Paul, annual Christmas food collection appeal. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity. Donations will be accepted in reception until Monday, December 16th. Thank you to Ms Gilhooley for organising the collection.
Ger Carey-Psycho Spaghetti
Our Transition Year students were delighted to attend Ger Casey’s Pycho Spaghetti in the Abbey Hotel, Roscommon on Monday, December 2nd. The show explores themes relevant to young people such as relationships, social media and adolescent years. The students thoroughly enjoyed the production. Thank you to Ms Kilcline, Ms Mc Caffrey and Ms Heavey for accompanying the students on the day.
We would like to wish Ms Clany, Ms Jobe and our Erasmus Team the very best as they travel to Madrid for the next stage of the Erasmus project.. This trip will run from Sunday, December 8th to Friday 13th. Students and teachers will be busy working in their host school in Madrid while also experiencing Spanish culture. Bon Voyage!