Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

Junior Cert

Junior Cert

The Junior Cycle is a three year programme that underpins our school’s vision for developing our students and helps them to achieve their best. This philosophy is in line with the national Junior Cycle Framework that aims to enable students to achieve their full potential and contribute to Ireland’s economic, social and cultural development. Our mixed-ability approach in most subject areas affords students of all abilities the opportunity to expand on their talents and to challenge their young minds.

Junior Certificate Subjects

Students entering First Year in September will be presented with a variety of academic and practical subjects. Students will study the following subjects to Junior Certificate level: Irish, English, Math, Religion, Wellbeing and a selection of the following subjects: Science, Spanish, French, Music, Art, Business Studies, History, Geography and Home Economics. Digital Literacy is also offered to students to support their academic achievement.

In each of the examined subjects there are:

Two Classroom-based Assessments.

  • One is carried out in 2nd year and one in 3rd year.
  • An Assessment Task carried out in 3rd year which is worth 10% of the final grade in the Junior Cert (The Department of Education and Skills will issue details as regards timings etc of these Assessments)
  • A Final Written Exam in June of 3rd year

The Final Written Examination will be held in June of 3rd year and the grade achieved here combined with the Assessment Task result will be the grade on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement.

The grading system for the final written exam is as follows:


  • Distinction ≥90 to 100%
  • Higher Merit ≥75 and <90%
  • Merit ≥55 and <75%
  • Achieved ≥40 and <55%
  • Partially Achieved ≥20 and <40%
  • (not graded) ≥0 and <20%
5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford