Parents’ Association
In accordance with section 26 of the Education Act 1998, the parents of students of a recognised school may establish, and maintain from among their number, a parents’ association for that school and membership of that association shall be open to all parents of students of that school.
The following are some of the activities in which Parents’ Associations might be involved:
- Organising information/social events for new parents to the school.
- Organising welcome events for new students to the school.
- Arranging talks on topics of interest to parents, e.g. guest speaker on parenting/discipline etc.
- Preparing school handbooks/calendars.
- Providing support/organisational input to major school events, e.g. communions, confirmations, debs etc.
- Channelling parents views on school policy issues to the Principal/Board.
- Contributing to school newsletter.
- Helping to organise and supervise extra-curricular activities.
- Organising Fund Raising Events for the school.
National Parents’ Council Post Primary

The National Parents’ Council Post-Primary (NPCPP) is an umbrella organisation for affiliated parents associations. The Department of Education and Skills supports the National Parents’ Council Post Primary through the provision of grant-aid. The Department also liaises with the Council on issues of concern to parents of children in post-primary schools.
The National Parents Council – Post Primary (NPCPP) is an association representing all parents’ associations in post-primary schools in Ireland.
It can be contacted at:
Unit 6 Building 125,
Omni Park Shopping Centre,
Dublin 9.
Tel: + 353 (1) 8623346 .
Assistance for Parents regarding Covid-19 and blended learning