School Staff |
Subject(s) |
Aileen Devaney (Transition Year Co-Ordinator) |
History, Religious Education |
Aisling Kilcline |
English, French, Geography |
Alana Heavey |
English, Religious Education, SEN |
Amanda McDowell |
Spanish, LCVP, Politics & Society |
Andrea Clancy |
Home Economics, Religious Education |
Ann Hand |
Business, Maths |
Anne Maye |
Home Economics, Science, Wellbeing, SEN |
Brenda Earley |
Business, Maths |
Brenda Murtagh (2nd Yr. Year Head Acting) |
Maths, Geography |
Carmel Killeen |
Geography, PE |
Christine O'Brien |
Accounting, Business |
Chrissy Hardiman (6th Yr. Year Head) |
Geography, PE |
Clare Daly |
Art |
Clare Macko (5th Yr. Year Head) |
Religious Education, SPHE |
Claire Reilly (3rd Yr. Year Head) |
Home School Liaison Officer |
Coilin Regan |
History, SEN |
Córa O'Farrell |
Home Economics, Religion, SPHE |
Cormac Dennigan |
English, Religion Education |
Dymphna Graham |
Maths, Science, SEN |
Edel Gilhooley |
Geography, Irish, CSPE |
Edel McCaffrey |
English, Religious Education, Wellbeing |
Edel Rowley |
Biology, Science, SPHE, CSPE |
Esther Gobl Uí Nualláin |
Irish, English |
Evan Tynan |
Geography, Irish |
Gail O'Hara |
Spanish |
Jane Glennon |
Chemistry, Biology, Science |
Jean White |
Music, Religious Education, SPHE |
Joanna Ross |
English, Religious Education, Wellbeing |
Karen Boyd |
History, Home Economics, Religious Education |
Laura Foley |
Geography, Politics and Society, CSPE |
Leanne Hughes |
English, SEN |
Laura McEnroe (SEN Co-ordinator) |
English, Irish, SEN |
Margaret King |
English, Religious Education, SPHE |
Margarita Fallon (Guidance Counsellor) |
Guidance Counsellor, Wellbeing |
Mary Killian |
Home Economics, Science, SPHE |
Mary Murphy |
History, Irish |
Marie Mullen (1st Year Yr. Head) |
French, Spanish |
Megan Jobe |
PE, Geography |
Michelle Keogh (Acting Deputy Principal) |
Irish, English |
Naomi McKenna |
Irish, Politics and Society |
Paddy McLoughlin |
Maths, Computer Science |
Padraig MacAodha (Deputy Principal) |
Padrena Ryan |
Art |
Ronan Sweeney |
PE, Science |
Rose Cunningham |
Agricultural Science, Biology, Science |
Siobhán Cullen (Principal) |
Stephen Duke |
Physics, Maths, Applied Maths |
Therese McGoey |
Maths, Information Technology |