Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford

School Trips

School Trips

We are extremely lucky at Meán Scoil Mhuire in that we have been able to bring students on various trips over the years. Not just local trips in Ireland, whether it be for subject projects or to aid and reinforce learning, but we have also been able to take multiple groups of students abroad. We are extremely proud to have such trustworthy and reliable students in Meán Scoil Mhuire and we would love nothing more to continue this tradition in the future, above is a recent trip to Lake Garda in Italy our girls took in 2019.

Please take your time to scroll down and get an idea of the various trips we have taken over the years.

Our students on top of a glacial mountain in Italy, 2019

Glacial Mountain Italy 2019.jpg

Agricultural Science Trip to the National Ploughing Championships, 2019

Ag Science Ploughing Championship 2019.jpg

Trip to Amsterdam, 2018

Amsterdam 2018.jpg

LCVP Trip to C&D foods in Edgeworthstown, Longford, 2018

LCVP C&D Foods 2018.jpg

Pompeii, Italy, 2017

Pompeii 2017.jpg

5 St Joseph's Rd

04 3334 6608

© 2025 Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford