Transition Year (TY)
Students of Meán Scoil Mhuire are blessed to have an exceptionally well organised team behind Transition Year. Students are selected for TY based upon academic performance, teacher references and interview. Places are limited annually.
TY is a one year programme. It provides a bridge to enable students make the transition from Junior to Senior cycle. It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence. Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for the Leaving Certificate, further study and adult working life. It encourages the development of critical thinking and creative problem-solving.
Transition Year is a year for students to really become independent thinkers as they become involved in a number of projects, it gives students an opportunity to form their own businesses, experience what it is like to be a parent, enter the working world and to try a variety of subjects before embarking on their leaving certificate journey. It truly is a year that is jam packed full of activities and events, from trips to Dublin to go ice skating to baking for bake sales, from work experience to entrepreneurial ventures, there is too much to list! Most importantly, the year can bring long lasting friendships, new found confidence, surprising talents and enjoyment above all.
TY Core Subjects
Art, Business Studies, ECDL, Dance, Developmental Studies, English, Journalism, Drama, Enterprise Education, French/Spanish, Irish, Geography, History, Home Economics, Maths, Music, PE, Religious Education, Science & Environmental Studies, Sign Language, Self Defense, Photography, Health & Safety,
Additional Activities
An Gaisce, Community Involvement, Junk Kouture, Cookery Competitions, Days Trips, First Aid, GAA Coaching, Bonding trips, Leadership Course, Outdoor Pursuits, Safe Drive Workshop, Driving Theory Instruction, Theatre Trips, Young Entrepreneurs Competitions